Analysis of the popularity of LED lighting in China
2019-11-21 12:18:53LED lighting fixtures uniformly use LEDs as luminous light sources, have more advantages than ordinary lighting fixtures. Needless to say, energy saving envir...details + -
Chinas green lighting project made significant progress
2019-11-21 12:18:20The implementation of China's green lighting project has promoted the optimization upgrading of the structure of the lighting appliance industry the overa...details + -
Five elements that determine the direction of LED lamp technology development
2019-11-21 12:17:59As the problem of global greenhouse gas emissions is becoming more serious approaching the critical point of self-regulation of the earth, countries have issued...details + -
LED lighting sales increase, the market is clear
2019-11-21 12:16:56Since 2013, sales of LED-related products at home abroad have continued to increase, driving sales to increase accordingly. Global LED manufacturers are steadi...details +